Thursday, July 06, 2006

School News (again)

Brian was offered and accepted a job as a high school math/science teacher at Upper Valley Christian School. This is the same school where my mother teaches 5th and 6th grade. He will actually have 7 different classes that he is teaching, but they will pnly have 5 - 10 students in each one.
We both applied for 2 open positions at the school, but they offered the second position (junior high) to another lady. That was really really frustrating for me, but of course there's nothing I can do about it.
I have a friend who teaches at Orchard Middle School here in Wenatchee and she says there may be a math position open there later in the summer. Their enrollment went way up for next year, but they have a hiring freeze at the moment. Here's hoping there will be a math job there!

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