Wednesday, June 23, 2010


On this Wednesday, I took my son to music camp.  I "made" him participate, but then caught him singing all the songs later.

I went to the Farmer's Market to buy fresh local cherries and lettuce.  On Wednesdays there is a much smaller group of vendors and it's still early in the season so there wasn't a lot available.  I also bought a scone made locally with no preservatives to share with my son while sitting under the tent there.

I went to the bakery outlet store to buy a specific bread for dinner.  The sales clerk was super happy to see me and my boys.  She misses them when we don't catch her there.  My son knows to ask for a cookie there.

When I got home I walked over to the post office to mail some pictures to the grandparents.  The postal clerk was happy to see us and gave my son some stickers.

I got a cool new onesie in the mail for my son (I write reviews here).

I went outside and watered my flowers and the lawn.  I washed my cloth diapers.

My mother came to visit.  She entertained the boys while I folded 4 loads of laundry.

My husband made the dinner while I cleaned up around the house.

My baby son required at least 4 outfit changes and a bath today.  I have spit-up on my shirt.

Perhaps this is the reason I haven't had much exciting to share on this blog lately.  This is my life.  But I'm trying to be in the present, trying harder to interact with my sons.  If that means the blog isn't super exciting, I guess that's life.


  1. Sounds like a nice, normal life full of God's blessings to me. :)

  2. ah my life is like this!

  3. Andrea7:51 AM

    Well said!


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