Monday, May 07, 2012

Boy Quotes #10

At my parent's house:
"Cory, are you ready for a nap?"
"No, I'm ready to Rock and Roll" (said with attitude and body moves for emphasis)

Noah got a piece of cheese and Cory asked for some:
"Nana, can I have a piece of cheese..........................please?"
By which time, Nana had already gone back into the kitchen and didn't hear the please so she says,
"What's the magic word?"
Cory to me: "But I already said it"
I replied that I didn't think Nana heard him.
He says again, "But I already said it".
Nana comes out and he says to her, "I already said it".
She replies that it's nice to hear more than once.
He finally acquiesces and says,
"Nana, may I please have......." and now he's forgotten what he's asking for!

We had friends over awhile back and they were trying to teach Noah hide and seek.  A few days later he climbs up in the chair, puts both hands over his eyes and says, "1 2 3 4 6 5 1 2, Here Tum Me!"  Then he runs down the hall and "finds" brother playing in his room!

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