Friday, December 06, 2013


Today I balanced the check book for the last two months.  And as I sat and looked at the finances I had cause to wonder.

How is it that on paper we look so poor by US standards, yet we truly have so much, especially compared to the rest of the world?

We don't make enough to get by month to month and yet my house is overflowing with stuff and we have so many friends and family, especially grandparents that love on the kids.

Some of the lack comes from choices we've made and some of it just is, but I don't regret any of it, especially when I see the bigger picture.  The picture of raising my children to love life and not stuff, of putting people first, even if it means that you don't get that next cool "toy" you wanted.  Of learning to see the world and not just what's right around you.

Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.
                                                                            ~ Luke 6:20-21

I want to see the world through Kingdom eyes and hunger for the things that God hungers after.  And that's certainly not much that money can buy!

This is a post prompt from The Gypsy Mama. Join in? If you don't have a blog or don't want to write there I'd love to have you write with me, even in the comments!


  1. I love your take on the subject of this week's FMF!

    You are so right, it is all about perspective!

    Bless you!

  2. As someone who is also struggling to make it month to month, these words are both encouraging and convicting. Thank you for the reminder to see things through God's eyes and not just mine.

    So glad to have discovered your post through Five-Minute Friday.

    Thank you for sharing a small part of yourself to encourage and inspire others.

  3. We are in the same place. We are behind on bills, but we have everything we truly need and more! Thank you for sharing your heart today.

  4. Thanks for your perspective! In a college course we read, Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger. It pretty much ruined my life & views in the best way possible.


Shower me with your wit, your wisdom, or your funny stories! And please leave an email address if you would like a reply.