Wednesday evening we went down to the food fair for dinner. Last year Brian had this amazing pulled pork sandwich that he wanted to replicate. The same booth was there and he opted for the baked potato with meat in it... bad choice. The potato was dry and the meat was overcooked. Bummer. I stayed safe with my Gyro sandwich and it was delish! Cory ate half a hotdog and the lawn got the rest.
Afterwards we decided to go check out the carnival. I didn't think Cory would really want to do any of the rides by himself and I wasn't about to pay $3 for myself to go with him! But we found one that was little 4 wheelers on a round track. He was glued to the fence! I wish you could have seen his face when I kneeled down and asked him if he wanted to ride. "Yeah" in a whispery voice!
The minimum age is 2 and he cleared the height requirement by about 1/4 of an inch...
So we shelled out $3 for a minute and a half ride. He was in heaven! He really wanted to ride the "blue one" so we waited one round to make sure he could.

I took this picture before it started since it's my cheezy camera phone and I knew it would be blurry if they were moving. He was all smiles the whole ride!
When it was over I had to go around to the gate to get him. By the time I got to him he was bawling, "ride some more, ride some more". We had to tell him that other kids wanted a turn! I guess next year we'll be buying him his own bracelet and letting him ride all the kid's rides!
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