Momfluence is a group of mom's who are asked to review things and for their opinion on products. They are the ones who gave me the opportunity to review the Bubble Bucket last week. This is a list of products that they're featuring for Mother's Day.
Featured Products

Chic and Carry Wristlet - Make mom’s quick trips out with baby much easier with this great product.

Miessence Organics Mothers Day Set - Every mom deserves to be pampered once in awhile, and these organic body products allow her to do just that.

Sara Lee Simply Sweets Pies - Sara Lee’s Simply Sweets line gives you a delicious way to treat Mom this Mother’s Day with a fast, easy and delicious dessert.

Children Should Come With Warning Labels - Patti McKenna offers a humorous take on motherhood, giving mom a chance to laugh, cry, and identify with her tales.

Roundhouse Designs Desktop Mobile - Roundhouse Designs origami mobiles and wall art are handcrafted creations that make a unique Mothers Day gift.

Roundhouse Designs Jewelry - Roundhouse offers a wonderful selection of handmade jewelry, with styles that are perfect for every mother on your list this Mother’s Day.

Heart of A Mother - Heart of a Mother is a gift book filled with touching tributes to Mothers and Grandmothers, inspirational short stories, poems, proverbs and quotations.

Protect-A-Bed - Protect-a-Bed waterproof mattress covers provide protection from allergens, dust mites, and bedbugs, helping to extend the life of your mattress and mom to sleep a little sweeter.

Ultimate Woman Vitamins- Make sure that mom is getting everything she needs to stay healthy and active with the Vitamin Shoppe's Ultimate Woman vitamins.
More Great Gift Ideas
April Cornell Shoulder BagBabyPlus System
Not Just Any Old Day Keyrings
Menu For The Week Subscription
For My Mother Reflection Journal
Vintage Body Spa
No Throw
Me Time Sportswear
Kind Notes
Aventine Hill Bath Products
Treadlight Eco Snack Kit
Name Your Tune CDs
Things Remembered Charm Stories
Diaper Clutch
Lia Sophia Riverside Necklace
Lia Sophia Beaujolais Necklace
Lia Sophia Mandalay Bay Necklace
Lia Sophia Athena Necklace
Lia Sophia Love Dust Set
More Great Gift Guides
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All reviews listed in the Momfluence gift guide were product provided.
Featured positions were purchased by sponsors. Member gift guides are not affiliated with Momfluence.
I may have to send this link to Peter. :-)
ReplyDeleteBut I already picked out my perfect mothers day gift...a subscription to the Food Network magazine.