Friday, October 01, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday and I got this wild hair idea that I should go find some old pictures in my scrapbooks and post them... hope you like it!

High school graduation

Birthday 1992 (no, I won't tell you how old he was!)

 Birthday 2010

 If you'll notice in the 1992 picture and the one below... same kind of cake!  My dad's favorite is Pineapple Upside Down cake and this year it was my turn to make it.  Yummy!

Cory is so into birthdays and wants to help with everything, including the cake!

 I wouldn't let him lick his fingers while we were making it, but he got to here after pulling the candles out!

 Hanging out with Noah

Showing his true colors when I asked him to look at the camera... that is sooo my dad!

I learned all my original photo skilz from my daddy on his old manual SLR Canon.  I had so much fun with that thing, too bad I left it in a taxi in Costa Rica.

I also didn't have time to dig through my box of unscrapbooked photos and find any of us fishing... something we have done together for years.  From "scaring" his fish with a party blower to camping just the two of us when Mom and Brian were working, we have gone on many fishing trips over the years.

And also road trips... but some of those stories just aren't meant for the world to know! ;)

Happy Birthday Daddy, I love you!

(many thanks to Annika for some of the great pictures too!)

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