Tuesday, December 06, 2011

A MommyParty with Pregnancy 2.0

A couple months ago I got an email from MomSelect asking if I wanted to sign up to host a MommyParty for pregnant moms with Pregnancy 2.0.  I thought, sure, that sounds fun and I have a few local friends that are pregnant too as well as all the million other moms I know around the country! (hello sister in law)

Well, I was rather shocked when things started arriving in the mail...
  • First a Britax B-safe carseat and B-agile stroller that go together as well as a baby carrier.  At first I was thinking, yay, we can replace the car seat we used with Cory because it will be 5 years old when baby comes, but no, now I'm super thankful because we need two car seats!
I also promptly used the stroller with Noah when we took a tour of the police station with our local home school group.  Good thing it's light and folds up easily as we ended up using the stairs instead of the elevators!  It was super nice to have and since we've never really been stroller people I was happy to use it rather than my big heavy jogging stroller.

I'm not sure how practical this stroller will be with twins, but I'm thinking I may wear one and push the other since I'm probably not about pushing a double stroller!
  • Next up, the Baby Plus Prenatal Education System.  And I have to say I was NOT impressed by this product.  You're supposed to wear it an hour each in the morning and evening to "introduce your child to a sequential learning process" by rhythms in the sound of a fake mother's heartbeat.
Basically the thing beeps rhythmically in progressively quicker rhythms.  And it is LOUD.  There is no way I was going to wear this for two hours a day.  Plus, as you can see me at only 20 weeks (and not much larger than normal yet) it was already at the largest it would go.  Not exactly comfortable.

    But there were a couple more fun products that came!
    • Snuggle buddies from Rashti and Rashti - the super cute pink owl and the black and white puppy dog
    • Spry gum and children's dental products made with xylitol as well as saline nasal spray

    And so I tried to gather my friends for a fun Mommies(only) lunch.  But have you ever tried to plan a get together for moms only around the holidays?  When you have older children that either have nap time or need childcare and there are a million other things going on???

    So I picked a day and my friend Rachel came for lunch with her daughter.  MommyParties sent us a wonderful menu to try, but um, we're pregnant!  So none of it sounded appealing right now other than the lemon mousse, which was amazing!  I may have to post the recipe for you all as it's super easy (and I recommend doubling it!)

    We had a good time chatting and actually getting to know each other better.  She also took all the Spry and Xclear products to MOPS with her the next week since there was way more than I could use and I knew those moms would enjoy them as well!

    I'm super thankful for the products I get to keep and happy to also be able to give the baby carrier to my sister-in-law who's pregnant with her first child and has very little yet!  MommyParties are fun, I just don't recommend trying to do them around the holidays unless kids are supposed to be involved!

    I was provided with all of these products for free to try and share with my friends.  All opinions are my own.

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