Friday, November 06, 2009

PSF: Oregon Gardens

On Monday after being at the coast all week Grandma, Cory, and I went to the Oregon Garden in Silverton.

The gardens are pretty new, but are actually the way the city cools it's runoff water before it joins local water sources. There is a series of something like 23 ponds to allow the water to cool and they have built the gardens around them. In my head I didn't take into account how new this place was (less than 10 years) so I was expecting some taller trees, but other than that I was very impressed by all the work and innovation here.

There are lots of small areas devoted to different things. Like a Children's Garden with whimsical creatures created out of all natural materials. There's even a little hobbit house (which you can see the round door in this picture).

There's a sensory garden which included this fun water feature!

And throughout the garden is a paved road that you can take an open shuttle tour on. It gives information about the garden and plants in it, plus you can get off at many stops so it's nice to get around if there are just a few things you really want to see and they are on opposite sides of the garden!

There weren't actually a whole lot of flowers as it's more of a natural garden, rather than landscaped and manicured, but here is one of my favorites I posted before.

On the way home Grandma decided we should take the back roads through farm country... and we got stuck behind 5 giant harvesters (appropriately tagged 1-5). We followed them for something like 10 miles at about 20 miles an hour. You can see that they took up the entire road so there was no passing.

Cory was in awe though so it was worth it!

Notice the size of the semi which isn't more than 100 feet from the harvester!

The entrance fees to the garden can be a bit steep for just a short visit, but I'd definitely say it's worth going to see!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Emily

1 comment:

  1. What a great family outing! I love when places have activities for kids, too.


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