Well, we didn't quite make it to church since Mama had to go to the clinic (yay, post-pregnancy infection), but it was a special day for a 3 year old birthday boy!

Daddy made the tree out front "rain" leaves on him before Grandma picked all the dead ones off. It looks much nicer now!

He got to help Daddy build a compost bin out of an old pallet that the former owners so nicely left behind...

Somebody LOVES balloons!

Every time we go to the grocery store we go by the bakery to get a cookie. And we always have to stop and look at his "friends" on the cakes. So awhile back I asked him what kind of cake he wanted and of course the Mater and McQueen cake it was!

Definitely got the blowing out candles part down...

Love this cake!

I'm a Car-nivore!

Time for presents...

This is one of the Discovery Toys I saved for him, but I didn't hide it very well and he's been begging to play with it for months. Just this week he pointed to it up on the shelf in the closet and asked to play with it...

I'd say for a toy that says "ages 4+" he's got it pretty well figured out!

Mr. Gear-head had a very happy birthday!
cute cute, mine to love the cake isle in freddies...and baloons are a very coveted birthday treat! oh to be a kid again.