There's a new site called 5 Minutes for Books which is, obviously, about all things books: reviews, giveaways, interviews with authors, and carnivals.

Here's the stack of books on my list... and this doesn't include a few I've won and haven't gotten to!
And no, they aren't usually all piled on my nightstand. Normally I have several piles going in the living room besides this one, but I stacked them all up for the picture!
Here's the brief description - starting at the bottom! (you can skip to the end if you want to, I promise I won't be offended!)
The Singer by Calvin Miller - An allegorical story about the life of Christ. One of my college professors started each class by reading from this book, unfortunately it was a 7:40 am class so I missed half the book by being late to class! We found this copy in a used book store on our honeymoon!
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi - I've read about half this book. It's incredible, but a slow read. It's written by a former literature professor from Iran about her life during the revolution and after when she tried to continue her work and was basically forced underground.
Joy for a Woman's Soul by various contemporary women speakers - One page inspirational messages that are usually right on! I've had this one for many years and continue to enjoy it.
His Thoughts Toward Me by Marie Chapian - also a daily devotional type book.
The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning - I had the opportunity to hear this man speak at chapel while I was in college. The book is good, but he's better in person. Incredible. I borrowed this from a friend awhile back so I guess I'd better hurry up and finish it!
The Inner Voice of Love by Henri Nouwen - One of my all time favorite books by my favorite philosophical writer. I was introduced to Nouwen in college through this book and it really resonates with me. I also recently finished another book by him called The Road to Daybreak about his decision to permanently join a community for severely handicapped people as an assistant or helper to them.
mom... and loving it! by hilliard and autry - I think this is pretty self explanatory... :)
My September Reader's Digest! This and Parents are the only magazines I subscribe to (I don't have time for any more although the husband says I read anything that has words on it...)
In the Shadow of Lions by Ginger Garrett - I just got this in the mail today - it's up for review in a couple of weeks so come back then to see what I have to say about it!
Lookin' Back Texas by Leanna Ellis - won from 5 Minutes for Books and haven't had a chance to read yet!
From a Distance by Tamara Alexander - I got this for a review and it came too late to read. Then I had other things to read and never got back to it. But I really want to read it since I've heard lots of good things about this author.
Twice Loved by Lori Copeland - See my review here. I read this one yesterday and it was pretty good! A fun historical chick lit book.
That's (Not Exactly) Amore by Tracey Bateman- See the review for this one here. I also read this one this weekend and really liked it. It's the third in a series, but can easily be read alone. My first introduction to this author and I really like her!
A Tendering in the Storm by Jane Kirkpatrick - I've had this from the library so long they're probably wondering if they're going to get it back! This is the second in a series about a separatist community that comes west by wagon train. I really enjoyed the first one, but it was a slow read which is probably why I'm hesitant to start this one! I do enjoy the history and this author does a fantastic job of sticking to historical details (this separatist community did exist).
The Vaccine Book by Robert W. Sears - I have a small son (in case you didn't see all the pictures!) and I found this book to be invaluable when trying to decide how and when to vaccinate him. I only wish I'd found it earlier. I feel like he writes from a fairly unbiased point of view telling how and from what each vaccine is made, what it protects from, as well as the probability and effects of the actual diseases. I would highly recommend this for all new parents!
And finally...
A Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman - As soon as I finish this post I'm starting this book!!! I read the first one in this series when it came out this spring and I was hooked! This is the story of a Boston family and their daughters around the time of World War I. Extremely well written, I'm not going to be able to put it down until I'm done. So if I'm not around for a couple of days... you'll know why!
Oh, and one more that's not in my picture because I sent it to my sister-in-law to read. She gave me Tales of a Female Nomad (which I talked about here) and I loved it so much I wanted her to read it. I also emailed the author and she actually wrote me back quite promptly. If I had time to drive to Seattle before September 8th she would have met me for coffee. How cool is that!
Now... if you're still reading, what is the best book you've read this year? Mine are probably the last two in this list.
And (I think I talk too much) come back tomorrow for pictures of my wee son in an authentic Arab costume compliments of my friend Maggie!
This post is part of the 5 Minutes for Books monthly Nightstand Carnival.
WOW!!! That's quite a stack! I also have Joy for a Woman's Soul. It was a going-away gift from a dear friend year's ago. I love that little book too. Other than having read a Reader's Digest, of which I have ALWAYS wanted a subscription because I love that magazine, I have not read a single book on your list, and I don't have a single one on my nightstand or in my possession. And I have a lot of books in my possession.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, and I read all the way through because I, too, am a talker.
~ Kayren
Quite a few books are in your stack that I want to read!
ReplyDeleteI think one if the best books I've read this year is Farworld which is up for review now. Oh there's an author signed copy up for grabs. You should checkbot out.
ReplyDeleteHi Krista,
ReplyDeleteWhat could be more fun than having a stack of books to read! Well, parenting and Married Life for two,right? I've enjoyed several on your list and especially found Reading Lolita in Tehran fascinating.
I'm the author of one of your list books...A Tendering in the Storm, the one you're having trouble getting started reading. I understand. But I hope it stays on your list or maybe moves up to "books I have read only once pile." I'd be pleased to know what you think about Emma's life and how she deals with the many siblings of grief while sustaining her hopes for her family and herself.
Keep reviewing...thanks for letting me visit. Jane Kirkpatrick
You have a couple of books I've been wanting to read..I'm interested to see what you think of In the Shadow of Lions.
ReplyDeleteBut to answer you question...I think one of the best books I've read this year has to be Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist.
I love your header.
ReplyDeleteI was going to tell you that I liked Lookin' Back Texas even though it's not my usual reading fare, and then I see that you won it from my review--ha.
Hope you like it.