Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm a Boy Mom

Mothers of Boys

I'm a boy mom and I write about my two boys a lot here.  Chronicling their lives and the crazy things we do as a family.  Sometimes I love it, other times they drive me crazy!  But there is never a dull moment.  Ever.


I love that these boys really love each other.  They want to be together often (and drive each other crazy at times) and I'm so glad that they have each other.

(not taken near our house)

If you're new here, Cory is 4 and Noah is 1.  We live out in the country in a very small community.  We walk around the corner to the post office every day and chat with the post lady. 

I take way too many pictures to ever hope to edit them all properly.  I love photography and the scrapbooking that goes with it.

My husband, Brian, and I are teachers although I'm only teaching my boys at home right now.  Cory is just beginning to sound out words and we'll be starting informal preschool here in the fall.

The new big step in my life is that I've been asked to lead the Mom's Bible Study that meets at our church.  I'm excited and scared at the same time.  I'm a Type-A person and a planner to the core so the organizational side of things will be more work, but easy.  It's the spiritual side of it that makes me wonder...

I have all the academic credits (Bible school, Christian college, etc), but to be honest I'm not very good at talking about it.  Something about the personal application part that makes me clam up tight.  So if you have a minute would you pray that this year helps me grow, but isn't too stressful in that area?

I'm glad to meet new friends and I hope you'll stick around!  I'll be hopping around soon!

PS. I know I was supposed to include my boys favorite books, but I'm not sure that's possible... we have so many it would take a post all on it's own!


  1. We have a lot of common ground here! I have a 3 1/2 year old boy (plus three girls) and we, too, live in a very small rural town! Walking to the PO is VERY common for us! I'll be praying for you as you lead the Bible study- just rely on God to give you what you need!

  2. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and your first statement couldn't be more true!!!

  3. Hey! I have three boys 7,6 and 4! I will be praying for you as God leads you in your Bible Study! God bless your beautiful family! Here from the boy mom blog hop!

  4. Little boys are the best! I love my 3. And I'll be praying for you as you lead the study. So funny, we are opposite. I love to discuss the Bible and get people talking, arguing, digging deeper, but the organization...well if someone wants organization they just better not come knocking on my door, believe you me! They can take their organizational needs some place else, cause I'll be no help whatsoever.

  5. Those are sweet pics. We have 4 boys and we homeschool. Come on over sometime

  6. Anonymous11:39 AM

    All you need is a little girl to change the mix and make "more" fun!

  7. I'm visiting from the MOB Society. It i great to meet your family. It is wonderful that you are able to homeschool your own children they are very blessed to have you. My prayers are with you as you lead your bible study. I know that the Lord will speak through you and lead the study His way.
    Many blessings

  8. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I love the picture of your sons holding hands. I have a three year old boy!


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