Friday, June 19, 2009

Timing is Everything

If it's Friday when you're reading this, I should have been getting Lasik surgery on my eyes today. The eyes aren't that bad, but the wearing of glasses is just so hard for me that we (I) decided that this might be the best route to go.

Now, you can't have Lasik if you're pregnant or "going to be" in the next 3 months or until 6 months after you've finished nursing. Obviously we've been trying for awhile now and nothing has happened. So I decided that I could take 4 months off if it meant less headaches, rather than having to wait 2 1/2 years or more.

However, I was also pretty freaked out about anything going wrong. Since my eyes are not super bad now and also since everything I love to do really involves my eyes (reading, photography, sewing, etc.). Then of course the liability waiver came in the mail with all the possible side effects and complications and that didn't help my anxiety.

I made all the appointments and even had my eyes dilated last week (wow, that was not an experience I want to repeat soon - I had NO IDEA how frustrating that is!) but I was still wavering about going through with it. I finally decided, God, if you don't want me to do this, then you'll have to make me pregnant. I didn't figure there was any way of us making that happen this month...

But then on Saturday I needed to take a pregnancy test just to be sure that I was okay for the surgery and lo and behold... oh boy, it shows positive!

So, now you know the reason for Cory's t-shirt and also why we can't keep this one a secret. I didn't really want to tell everyone that I "wussed out" on the surgery when that wasn't the real reason for not going through with it! But it's also early still so I hope and pray that things will be okay. (the baby is due sometime in February)

As for me... I'm kind of conflicted. Obviously on the one hand we've really wanted another baby for quite awhile. However, I don't do well with quick changes and I had been putting all my focus on the surgery and the schedule and things like that. Now we are heading in the opposite direction!

I'll get used to it and be happy, but it will take me awhile (in case you wonder why I don't seem as enthusiastic as I should be) because I am still trying to figure out what to do with my constant pressure headaches from the glasses and now I don't see any relief in the near future.

Obviously this was God's timing, but if you think of it, please pray for a healthy baby and some relief or solution to my glasses issues!


  1. I can totally relate to being completely derailed by a pregnancy! That is how I was with pregnancy with her was a complete surprise. At first I was thinking....what the heck do I do now? I was not happy or excited in the least. And then I had PPD for the first 3-4 months after her birth so it took me a while to be happy with being a mom. Now, of course, I think it's the best thing to happen to me.

  2. #3 was a bit like that for me, too. Be careful what you pray for next time, okay? :) Congrats again, though. I'm way too excited for you guys!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I'm so excited for you and your family!!! :) Yay! Congratulations!!!

    It's amazing what blessings we are given. Hopefully soon you can get lasik too :)


  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I will continually pray for relief from the headaches caused by the glasses. I love you just lots!

  5. Since I don't know everything you've tried, do contacts not work for you instead of glasses? My co-worker just had lasik done and it went really smooth. I want to get it done too, but it's costly; although I think I qualify for a discount since I'm city employed. Sorry, I hadn't read your blog in a while. I didn't know the whole pregnancy news.


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